Gateway to Europe
The Dutch government’s ambition for electric driving is to reduce CO2 emissions, improve energy-efficiency, and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Electric driving also reduces noise pollution from traffic while opening up new opportunities for the commercial sector. For these reasons, the Dutch government is eager to realise that 100% of new sales will be zero emissions by 2030. The number of electric cars in the Netherlands has grown dramatically in the past few years – in an auto market that is shrinking across the board. The number of companies active in the sector is also increasing.
The webtalks below contain on overview of 10 years electric mobility in the Netherlands and take a look into the future.
Webtalk 1: Sustainable mobility in the Netherlands
Introduction of sustainable mobility in the Netherlands with a focus on electric transport. We take a look at ten years of electric mobility and take a deep dive into the background of Dutch policies, motives and approach via the roll-out of charging infrastructure and Green Deals.
Webtalk 2: Zero emission in cities
In 2025, 30 to 40 municipalities will introduce zero emission zones for city logistics in the Netherlands. We explore how parties work together on this ambition in the Green Deal Zero Emission City Logistics. The city of Rotterdam and Amsterdam give an example of how they are working on their aim to achieve zero emission mobility in the city.
Webtalk 3: Roll-out of smart and open charging infrastructure
Guided by the National Agenda on Charging Infrastructure, Dutch cities and regions work on a nation-wide network of charging infrastructure. A short overview is given about the program and how cities and regions work together. The city of Utrecht tells in more detail what their roll-out strategy is, which is based on data. Furthermore, insight is given in how the Netherlands works on smart charging infrastructure by integrating electric vehicles in the grid.
Webtalk 4: Guiding steps to work on electric mobility
The Dutch Knowledge Platform on Charging Infrastructure supports cities and regions with questions they have regarding charging infrastructure. Insight is given in how the platform helps cities and what lessons have been learned. Furthermore, German cities are given a step by step plan on how to draw up a ‘Elektromobilitätskonzept’ based on Dutch experience and tips & tricks.